What is
vps/vds server?

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VPS/VDS server is a virtual private or highlighted server that works in an physical server isolated. There may be several such virtual servers on one physical, but everyone works independently. It has its OS, resources and programs.

The service is suitable for companies or entrepreneurs who want more control over the hosting environment but do not want to buy and maintain their own physical server.
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On the Internet, you can find information that VPS and VDS terms mean different types of virtualization: VPS - at the level of OS and VDS - at the hardware level. In fact, these terms denote the same thing.

How does VPS server work?

Virtual VPS server is similar to a reduced copy of the physical, as you will have access to some of its resources. In fact, it is as if it is a server with remote access, but cheaper because it is not necessary to buy and maintain iron.
Unlike a physical server, VPS uses virtualization technology, which provides greater flexibility and scalability, and is even more economically profitable for business.
Only you have access to selected resources such as a processor, RAM and disk space. You can customize the server for yourself and manage it.
Looking for hosting for your site?

Try VPS Hosting from NetForce Ukraine

We guarantee reliability - its level is determined in the SLA contract.

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How VPS differs from other types of hosting

All resources are

Only you use the resources of the selected server. While joint hosting involves several users who use the same resources together.


The virtual server works regardless of other VPS servers located on the same physical machine. This means that a failure of one server does not affect the functioning of others.

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You can place many databases, blast furnaces, sites and mail accounts. The only limit is the amount of space.

for users of virtual hosting everything is different: limits cannot be missed even if space is enough. You will have to change the tariff.

All in your hands

Adjust the server as you need: Select the OS, install the desired software and control panel. You will have root rights that will allow you to edit any files and change everything for yourself.

with virtual hosting no such freedom. Users have a joint operating system, control panel, tools and restricted access.


Each selected server is isolated from others, which increases the level of safety of the resources you host. Also, VPS hosting provides your full control over resources, which also reduces the risk of external influence on your server.


With a VPS server you can do whatever you need within the selected resources. When this is not enough, you need to choose a plan with the right volume.


Feel the benefits of VPS server with NetForce Ukraine

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VPS hosting solves problems

If you are close to any of these situations - a solution is
uses a lot of resources

If the site takes a lot of traffic, it requires complex programs or large databases - VPS Hosting. You will have enough resources to process any load.

Have special
Requirements for software

Do you need special software with certain configurations and dependencies? VPS Hosting. Here you dictate the rules: you will be able to install the necessary software and adjust everything as you need.

You work with

Your site processes users' confidential information to pay for services. How to provide a higher level of security so you don't lose their trust? VPS Hosting.

The site is developing rapidly

The site is growing, as well as the required amount of resources. I want to worry about new clients, not to think if it will withstand all traffic. Then - vps hosting. You will get scalability and flexibility you need to meet your needs.


Resources, Wide Selection, Scale and Security - That's what you get with VPS hosting from NetForce Ukraine.

Tell us why you hosting, and we will show the best option.

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What are VPS servers?

VPS servers have different types of virtualization. It is a technology by which a physical server distributes resources between virtual. May be:
  • Complete virtualization

    The VPS server has its own OS and maximum resources. This option is most similar to a physical server: you can choose an OS and install any software it supports.

  • Paravirtualization

    Here several VPS servers use one host operating system. In doing so, each server has its own file system and a network stack. The OS can be selected from the provider proposed, and the control of the environment is more than virtualization at the OS level.

  • Virtualization at the operating system level

    Several VPS servers use one nucleus of OS, but in addition to the file system and network stack, servers also have their user space. It is not possible to choose an OS for your server, because the choice is limited to versions compatible with the mother system. You will also find less control of the server and a limited selection of software.

  • Virtualization at hardware level

    It envisages that virtualization technology is built into a physical server hardware, which can provide better performance and scalability of virtual VPS servers. This type is commonly used with complete virtualization or paravracy technologies.


How to choose a VPS server

Pay attention to the following moments
Productivity The VPS server has to meet your needs, so the most important is resources. The amount of memory, processor and storage, as well as the type of virtualization. See how many traffic per month is allocated by the hosting provider. All this will affect the speed of your site.
Scalability Hosting should provide an opportunity to increase or decrease the amount of resources as needed without influencing your site or program.
Security The best VPS hosting is one that has built -in safety features: firewalls, DDOS attack protection, regular backups and SSL certificates. So you will be sure that your data and confidential information of your customers will be protected.
Administration VPS Hosting is an empty server. If you do not have a specialist who can adjust it, then you need a provider that offers such a service. There may also be a server support option. So professionals will deal with technical issues, and you will receive the maximum from hosting.
Support Questions may arise in the process. Instead of tidying up how to do something, it should be able to seek support instructions. Ideally, if it works 24/7, because the situations are different.
Operating system The best option for the server is Linux. It is the most popular OS for such purposes, because it is free, often used in development and has a very wide selection of tools. You can choose it when setting up a server. Just remember that the usual Windows is better left for your PC.
Administration VPS Hosting is an empty server. If you do not have a specialist who can adjust it, then you need a provider that offers such a service. There may also be a server support option. So professionals will deal with technical issues, and you will receive the maximum from hosting.
A test period or a refund of money If the VPS server does not fit you, you should be able to return the money. If not, let it be a free test period, which will also help to decide. Experience is the most valuable, but much more enjoyable to get your investment back and invest them in the best option for your business.
Reliability The accessibility of the site is very important. If the customer added the goods to the basket for 20 minutes and then lost the connection with the site, he may not make a purchase. So pay attention to the level of reliability that the provider promises. It can be 90%, 99, 99.9 and 99.99. The higher this figure, the lower the failure.

Be confident in your choice-VPS hosting from Netforce Ukraine

Administration work of any complexity: set up servers, create a Virtualization Wednesday or deploy a server site.

NetForce Ukraine Hosting is:
  • Resources that can withstand the load on your sites
  • Security measures that will protect your application and user data
  • Ability to reduce or increase the number of resources as needed
  • Linux OS servers and a wide selection of applications
  • A support team that will help you to solve any questions
  • Ability to set up a server yourself or trust it by specialists
  • High reliability defined in the SLA contract